One-off drift scan localisation

This tutorial assumes the user is familiar with the localisation process. For a tutorial covering all steps, refer to Repeater localisation.

In this tutorial, we will localize the first-ever FRB detected by ARTS, FRB 190709. This burst was detected during a drift scan of a calibration source. This means the telescope were not tracking one (RA, Dec) point, but stationary and effectively “tracking” a single (HA, Dec) point, where HA and Dec are the local hour angle and declination, respectively.

FRB 190709 was detected in CB10. The available data are thus the 12 TABs of CB10:

(py36) leon@zeus:FRB190709$ ls data
CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab00.fil  CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab06.fil
CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab01.fil  CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab07.fil
CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab02.fil  CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab08.fil
CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab03.fil  CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab09.fil
CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab04.fil  CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab10.fil
CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab05.fil  CB10_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab11.fil

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