Configuration fileΒΆ
The first step is to create a YAML-format configuration file containing the relevant observation parameters and settings for S/N determination. This process is identical to the Repeater localisation tutorial. FRB 190709 was detected in SB36 of CB10 at a DM of 663.1 pc/cc. After a first run with a S/N threshold of 6, the threshold was lowered to 5 based on the output figure (see next step)
The configuration file looks like this:
fmin_data: 1219.70092773
bandwidth: 300
snrmin: 5
window_load: 2.0
window_zoom: 0.5
dm: 663.1
width_max: 100
fmin: 1300
filterbank: 'data/CB{cb}_10.0sec_dm0_t0657_sb-1_tab{tab}.fil'
cbs: [10]
neighbours: False
main_cb: 10
main_sb: 36